Answered prayers

Answered prayers

Title: Prayer’s True Power

In the quiet of your heart, wrestle in prayer with unwavering faith, trusting wholly in God’s unending strength and compassion. Many believe they have faith, yet it is fleeting and does not sustain them through trials【10†source】. Recall the Bible’s assurance in James 5:16, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Historically, figures like George Müller prayed with such sincerity and trust that orphanages were built and sustained without ever asking for public funding. Müller’s deep faith exemplified the power of prayer rooted in the belief of God’s providence.

For a more active faith life, consider these three actions:

  • Daily, set aside a time for earnest prayer, free of distractions.
  • Journal your prayer requests to track God’s responses over time.
  • Meditate on Scripture, allowing God’s Word to fuel your faith and persistence in prayer.