When pride creeps in.

When pride creeps in.

Title: “Conquer Pride”

Open your heart to Christ’s light to truly see beyond the veil of pride. Humbling ourselves, like Nicodemus, reveals the impurities within us and redirects our path toward God’s grace. As we are reminded in 【10†Scripture】: even when we feel affluent in spirit, every act can be tainted with selfishness without divine guidance.

Historically, great spiritual leaders have faced moments of pride and only through introspection could they align their actions with Christ’s example. From Augustine’s transformative humility to Martin Luther’s realization of faith over works, history underscores the vitality of overcoming pride through Christ’s wisdom.

Here’s what you can do now:
– Reflect inwardly; silently ask yourself where pride may be clouding your judgment.
– Invite God to illuminate your heart, embracing humility with a simple prayer.
– Act selflessly today; perform a discreet act of kindness without seeking recognition.

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