Why Jesus came into the world

Why Jesus came into the world

Title: “Christ: God’s Love”

Remember that genuine love is self-sacrificing. Jesus embodied that truth when He came to earth as Immanuel, revealing God’s character of unconditional love. The Gospel of John records Jesus saying, “I do nothing of Myself… I seek not Mine own glory” (John 5:30; 8:50). Historically, this stands in sharp contrast to the source of sin, sparked by Lucifer’s desire for self-exaltation, violating the heavenly law of giving. Jesus’ mission was to restore that law and illuminate our comprehension of real love【10†source】.

Here are three immediate actions you can take to walk in this truth:

1. Reflect daily on the character of Jesus and the self-renouncing love displayed at the cross.
2. Integrate acts of kindness into your routine, prioritizing others’ needs without seeking recognition.
3. Spend time in contemplative prayer, asking to experience and share the selfless love of Christ with those around you.

As we emulate Christ’s love, we participate in the cosmic rhythm of giving that defines the universe—a reflection of God’s own heart.

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